Nothing special here. Just a reminder for myself of things I've done.
ran out of space. I've copied/moved over the members TCPDATA
to another dataset (NEOCNTR.PARMLIB
). Of course, changing the PARMLIB
statement in SYS1.IPLPARM(LOADxx)
makes absolutely no difference, because the TCPIP JCL script (CENTER.PROCLIB(TCPIP)
) expect to find them at the old location. So I've edited that member to use the data set which isn't out of space.
Starting (s tcpip
) and stopping (p tcpip
) is done through the operator console (0900, in my case).
As for the devices, I'm using LCS, because Layer II goodness. So I picked up two CTC(A) devices already defined in IODF (don't know it it's really necessary, perhaps not): 0530-0531. They should be varied online: v 0530,online
and v 0531,online
(also through op. con.). Don't know how to make it happen automatically.
Outside of Dmtcat (3.4 in ISPF), remember to always use apostrophes, like in 'SYSPRG1.BATATA
'. Otherwise, it always infer whatever the prefix you are using (it defaults to the logged in username). Another way to counter that is to turn the prefix thing off (tso profile noprefix
– which can be reverted by tso profile prefix [youruser]