==== About this Wiki ==== This Wiki comprises some of my computing experiences. I've created this place so I won't forget how I did some obscure bodge six months ago, when needing to, somehow, redeploy it or explain it to a friend. It's worth mentioning it's highly Linux-based, since I've been not a regular Windows user since the days of Windows 7. Also, it's written primarly in English for some of the content may be useful to other people, throughout the web. ====== What's here ====== ===== Desktop ====== * [[mate:custom-clock|MATE's clock applet format costumization]] * [[mate:systray-icon-size|MATE's system tray icon sizing]] * [[sound:pulseaudio-new-streams-default-device|Pulseaudio: always send new streams to the selected default sink]] ===== Network ===== * [[ipv6|My personal notes on IPv6]] ===== System ===== * [[fstab-nofail|How to avoid boot failure due to a missing drive specified on fstab]] * [[extra-midi-through-ports|Extra MIDI through ports]] * [[mount-vdi-files|How to mount VDI files as drives]] * [[nvidia-driver-liquorix|Compiler mismatch when compiling Nvidia DKMS agains Liquorix Kernel]] * [[nvidia-smi-debian|Getting nvml_fix to work on Debian]] * [[render-offloading-and-passthrough|On alternating a VGA between native Linux DRM and passthrough configuration]] ===== Misc ===== * [[e303c-voice|Huawei E303C Voice]] FIXME **WIP** * [[heimdall|Heimdall (Linux alternative to Odin -- used to flash Samsung devices)]] * [[misc:huaweii-voice|Voice support on Huawei 3G dongles]] * [[misc:emulating-mobile|Emulating mobile mode for some websites]] ===== Android ===== * [[android:lineageos-18.1-trebuchet-custom-font|Using a custom font on Trebuchet/LineageOS 18.1]] ===== Retrocomputing ===== - [[retrocomp:us-robotics-on-linux|U.S. Robotics hardmodem on Linux]] ===== Telephony ===== - [[telephony:td816|Panasonic KX-TD816]] ====== Useful links ====== - https://github.com/rmon-vfer/the-book-of-secret-knowledge - https://wttr.in/ ou https://wttr.in/moon - Previsão do tempo amigável ao terminal - https://bitsavers.org/ - http://bitsavers.org/pdf/ibm/370/ - Docs. on System/370 architecture and derivatives. - http://bitsavers.org/pdf/ibm/390/ - Same thing, for ESA/390 architecture. - https://gist.github.com/dannguyen/03a10e850656577cfb57 - Use wget to mirror a single page and its visible dependencies (images, styles) - http://www.jaymoseley.com/hercules/tso_tutor/tsotutor.htm - A tutorial on IBM's TSO by J. Moseley. - https://www.sbarjatiya.com/notes_wiki/index.php/LDAP_manipulations_using_python - LDAP operations per via Python - https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/zvm/7.1?topic=system-accessing-your-directories-minidisks - https://colinpaice.blog/2020/06/24/my-favourite-z-os-commands/ - http://www.jaymoseley.com/hercules/downloads/pdf/Volker%20Bandke%20Command%20Summaries.pdf - https://www.reddit.com/r/VFIO/comments/hhlnik/question_anyone_have_luck_with_vga_pcie/ - https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/How-to-run-OVMF (OVMF and CSM) - https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Windows_XP_Guest_Notes