====== Heimdall ====== If you happen to own a Samsung mobile device (I have at least three), sometimes you may want to experiment with different ROM's and recoveries, but things aren't that simple on Linux: Odin is an Windows-only software. To talk Odin from your Linux station, you need Heimdall. Trouble is: there's no packages for it on apt, nor there are any recent packages for recent Linux distributions. Also, it's development stopped three years ago. Damn. You'll try to compile it. And you'll fail. In my case, it fails because my system tried understood -lusb GCC parameter as a call do the legacy libusb (0.1). To correct this, you just run cmake as the instructions say, then, run ''grep -R . "-lusb"'' and you'll soon find out the problematic line. Change the aforementioned parameter to ''-lusb-1.0''. Make install and such... Works fine on my Debian Testing (Bullseye)